Monday 7 November 2011

Nursery Mayhem!

One of the beautiful things about having a baby is the preparation. Being in anticipation of your baby's arrival is such an amazing time and one of things I always enjoyed thoroughly was doing up the nursery.

This week at The Baby Closet - excitement has been at fever pitch awaiting the arrival of the Olli Ella shipment. I too felt the excitement - especially when I was privy to the amazing nursery photos. These shots have inspired me to start planning my nursery and have given me some great ideas.

I decided to start with a list of things for me to consider when planning my nursery (might help you out too!)

1. I have spent much time decorating the rest of my house and I want the nursery to flow on from that - so walls will remain in keeping with the rest of the house - no painting required. (Phew!)

2. Last time I changed nappies in the middle of the night I ended up with a massive bruise on my left thigh which did not go away until my baby was toilet trained (due to the ridiculous placement of a low chest of draws next to the change table). This time I will ensure my furniture is placed carefully so I can navigate round the room with my eyes half closed in the middle of the night.

3. Put in dimmer switches so I don't have to choose between glaring light or pitch black dark at 03.17 am and end up with bruises (see above)

4. Remember that I will spend a lot of time in this room - especially at night when the baby wakes up for feeding so plan for my own needs as well - a comfy feeding chair, side table, bar fridge with ice cold water (no maybe that's taking it too far)

5. I will buy a proper change table and will not think to manufacture one from an existing set of drawers with a mat on top which is way too low and where I have to change nappies sideways. (So after 21,700 nappy changes I won't need a back re-construction)

6. (Refer point 5) Just splash out and get a matching cot - I'll be so happy every time I walk in the nursery and notice my matching cot and change table... I just know I will!!!

7. I will prepare for the worst and make sure I have plenty of cot sheets for any and all of the spills, leaks, puddles and purges that happen day and night. The best tip I had was from a friend who made her cot twice - mattress protector + fitted sheet followed by mattress protector + fitted sheet. The theory is if you need to change a bed in the middle of the night, you just pull off the top layer and underneath is a second newly made bed (very smart)

8. Install block out blinds.

9. Storage storage storage....

10. Invest in quality baby bedding (that I just love) - 100% organic cotton, bamboo etc... studies show that babies sleep better and I'm all for that!


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